Oklahoma Diversity
The state of Oklahoma is much more than the endless grassland it is famous for. In fact, Oklahoma has the nation's most diverse terrain, when compared mile for mile. Famous for the Cowboy Hall of Fame and the Will Rogers Memorial, this Midwestern state is part of our nation's pioneer heritage. Today, its natural beauty, national parks, and rolling mountains make it the perfect place to purchase property. Now is a great time to buy land in Oklahoma.
2,694 acres
Coleman, OK 74525
22,111 acres
Cheyenne, OK 73642
4,641 acres
Red Oak, OK 74563
10,218 acres
Stuart, OK 74569
3,789 acres
Mangum, OK 73554
6,332 acres
Keyes, OK 73947
The Sooner State
Oklahoma is known as the Sooner State. Originally, the state was created for the exclusive use of Native Americans. It still has the largest population of Native Americans in the United States. It was opened to settlers in 1889 in the Oklahoma Land Rush, and that's where the state's nickname came from. Cities include Tulsa, Oklahoma City, Norman, Edmund, and Broken Arrow.
Land in Oklahoma
Land for sale in Oklahoma in modern day can be owned by citizens, corporations, individuals, Indian tribes or governments. Oklahoma is made up of 10 distinct different regions, each with their own different character and landscape. These areas are:
The landscape in Oklahoma varies greatly. The Ozark Plateau has winding rivers with deep valley walls. The Sandstone Hills are partially covered in forest, and the Red River Valley is a rolling prairie. Each mountainous region has its own distinct characteristics. The Gypsum Hills for instance shine in the sun due to their gypsum content and are sometimes called the Glass Hills.
Natural Resources
The greatest natural resources in Oklahoma are its abundant and fertile soil, and its mineral deposits. Petroleum, which was discovered in 1905, is also abundant, with gas strikes made in all 77 of Oklahoma's counties. Oklahoma ranches for sale also have abundant natural beauty, rivers, mountains, and streams.
Farms, Farmland, and Rural Real Estate
Oklahoma has acres of farms and farmland for sale. The rich soil is ideal for farming. Oklahoma has ranches, farms, OK hunting land, timber land, and Oklahoma ranches for sale here! Its diverse terrain means there is just about every type of land available. Properties range from small residential plots to sprawling estates with thousands of acres.
Oklahoma Industry
Not surprisingly, Oklahoma's top industry is agriculture and farming. There are also manufacturing and service sectors that are poised for renewal and growth.
Beef is Oklahoma's number one livestock product. It is the 5th leading producer of beef in the United States, and the production of beef cattle is Oklahoma's top income producing industries. Other important livestock products include:
The top agricultural crop in Oklahoma is wheat. In fact, it is the fourth largest producer of wheat in the nation. Other agricultural products include:
Oklahoma ranks as one of the most important producers of oil and natural gas in the nation. It is also the only state that produces Iodine. Petroleum, coal, crushed stone, sand and gravel are also mined.
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